Saturday, April 16, 2011

Freelance writing for teenagers

Freelance writing for teenagers?
I can't seem to find a job online for someone younger than 18! Let me correct my question then: Opportunities to earn money by writing online? Being a teen. & I absolutley loathe anything that has the phrase: Let's be realistic. There's no impossible in my mind, and I take pride on that.
Books & Authors - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No one is going to hire you with no qualifications or just GCSE grades. It's good to hope but let's be realistic!
2 :
Err, of course nobody will hire a freelance writer who's still school age. I sometimes to have to take on freelancers as part of my job, and we naturally look for people with qualifications and experience. However good you are at writing for your age, there will be things about specific types of writing that you won't know simply because you don't have any experience or a portfolio of work and haven't had any experience in a professional copywriting / journalistic environment. Freelance writers are almost invariably people who have had salaried writing jobs *first*. You don't just go straight into freelancing from nothing.
3 :
I agree with the others. I'm 18 now and when I was a little younger I also looked for this type of work but couldn't find any due to my lack of qualifications - I had been published and won competitions etc, but no-one would hire me without experience. I think it's fair enough as I wouldn't have had any idea how to write the kinds of things they wanted me to - I can write short stories just fine, but in hindsight I wouldn't have coped writing things such as articles and copy. The best thing you can do is look for work experience. I did some work experience at a local paper.
4 :
You have so totally got to check out sites like or At Fiverr, you're stuck with doing jobs for five bucks apiece but with Uphype, you can choose $8, $16, or $24 a job. Of course, you'll need a Paypal account to get your money but it's a good way to build up a portfolio for a long-term writing career

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