Thursday, June 4, 2009

how can i work as a freelance web or graphic designer over the net

how can i work as a freelance web or graphic designer over the net?
I am lebanese, and after this war I lost my job, so can somebody help me find a free lance job in graphic or web design over the net, I have BA business administration too. Please take it seriously
Careers & Employment - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are a number of online freelancer sites that you can sign up for. Unfortunately most of them charge admission, but you can take a look. and are two I have seen recommended on here.
2 :
don't know, but I'm after the same dort of thing so I'll monitor your answers.
3 :
Some people have had some success building websites, w/domain names and selling them on line (eBay). Check it out: It seems to work together if it's turnkey with marketing and serving a specific niche (horses, lamps, cars, whatever, just specific) Slainte, -D
4 :
As John mentioned, there are many sites you can go to post your portfolio and bid on projects. Below are just a few.
5 :
First, you can join a group like Guru and post your folio etc. It is free to join, but if you live outside the US, don't expect to be able to bid on any work. The refined search on that site requires a country search, and even here in Australia it's empty. That means to get access to the US contracts you need to pay Guru. It isn't a whole lot, but it is a cost, and in your circumstances I'd figure that resource management is a high priority right now. Other sites are similar. Alternatively there is the possibility that you could work with local businesses as they rebuild, help with advertising and so on. Money won't be flooding in, but you could gain some serious customer loyalty later on, and the option of having your business name on anything produced for them will let people know your work. Just an idea, I don't know the situation on the ground like you do. Can you offer other services? What could you do other than graphic design? The reason I ask is that as an adjunct you could set up some small niche operations, all yours, and set up a free webpage for each. Be your own customer. Each page would be clearly marked as having been designed by you. It's a path I'm taking. I realise not many local businesses will see it for a while, but it is still a form of advertising/self promotion. Anyway, best of luck. Rebuilding a life is never easy, whatever the cause

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