Sunday, June 28, 2009

How do I find a job for someone like me

How do I find a job for someone like me?
I never seem to keep a job because I always settle for whatever pays the bills. Every time I get a job, all I can think about are all the ideas I have for something I want to write, paint, photograph, read, compose, etc. I always want to do a good job, but I can't help where my passion is and can't focus. I want a "creative/ right-brain" type job so badly, I can hardly stand it. Right now, I'm in school for my B.A. in Graphic Design. I have over a year to go. How do I find artistic (even freelance) jobs based on skill, not a degree. I don't even care if it's minimum wage, as long as it's intellectually stimulating. Is there a website w/ some information or ideas where someone can find a job that suits them so they don't dread going to work every morning; its a suffucating existence.
Drawing & Illustration - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
check the sourses of your inspirations. the books, photos. your locol book store should carry referance books called the writer's market ( list publishers and what they're publishing that year). contact them for free lance work. send them copies of your work.
2 :
This is a good site for freelance gigs, Hardly ever are the gigs pending on degrees. It's all about the skill.
3 :
do your BA. look for job. get experience for few years. u will get briefing for the job and be asked to execute it. there will be comments, u will be asked to make changes because u are paid to do what the boss wants. earn your name and fame and start on your own. but u will have to run for business. it will not always com to u

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