Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hi, I am a flash and web designer. I would like to do freelance jobs. How can I get the business. Regds, Sarat

Hi, I am a flash and web designer. I would like to do freelance jobs. How can I get the business. Regds, Sarat

Internet - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Get a good portfolio that shows off your work. Put up a personnel website that shows off your work and sells your services. Look for people who need websites and sell yourself. There are usually a lot of free-lance work on You will have to sell yourself. After you get a few pages up and running, you have more to sell, but that doesn't mean you should work for free. If you are any good, you will find someone to hire you. I do free-lance network administration. It was a little hard when I first started, but after I got a few clients it got really easy because they refer me to other people. I turn down more work than I take now.
2 :
Check out it should help

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