Thursday, October 1, 2009

should i go to college/university to become a freelance journalist

should i go to college/university to become a freelance journalist?
i was just thinking about this because, really, you are not applying for a job when you become a freelance journalist, you just write when you feel like it and send it in for $$.. so really, it doesnt go on a application folder or a resume, so do you need to go to college to be successful? yes i do post on thecitizensjournal quite frequently (even though they never seem to show up on the site, must be under maitenence or something)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you "just write when you feel like it," you aren't likely to become a successful writer. They really have to work at getting paid for their writing -- submitting numerous writing proposals, developing relationships with editors, and developing an area of expertise that makes them a go-to writer for certain topics. You can certainly try it without a degree and see how far you get.
2 :
As far as writing when you feel like it and just sending it in to get paid... first, you will feel like it all the time, when you need money to eat. Second, it is not as easy as just sending a story in. You should go to college to be a journalist. You should also utilize sites like to practice, built a portfolio if you will and get your name out there

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