Saturday, October 16, 2010

Do freelance workers get paid

Do freelance workers get paid?
I was offered a job and it is freelance, will i get paid?
Small Business - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you mean a regular weekly paycheck, then no. Essentially you get paid for the work you submit and they accept.
2 :
Freelance workers work for themself (as far as I know). so yes, you will get paid, if you are able to attract paying customers, however If you are unsuccessful at attracting customers, you will not get paid at all.
3 :
By working as a freelancer, you are establishing yourself as a self-employed person without a long-term commitment to any particular employer. You did not state what type of work you would be doing on a freelance basis. Many writers, photographers, marketers, and independent contractors work on a freelance basis, selling their writings, photographs, marketing skills, etc. to various different types of companies and/or publications. I would be more able to give you a specific response if you were to state what type of freelance work you would be doing. It should be noted that, as a freelancer, you are responsible for paying your own withholding taxes, unemployment insurance contributions, social security contributions, etc. You are NOT an are, instead, an independent contractor. Will you get paid? It all depends on the agreement you have with the individual who offered you the "job". As a freelancer, it is highly recommended that you enter into a WRITTEN contract with whoever you are freelancing for to assure that payment is received and that all specifications and requirements of the freelance assignments are covered.
4 :
u will get paid as long as they have job for u. when they do not need u - u re gone. this is the difference of freelance and regular job- at regular job u just sit there and get paid. also u have paid holidays and sick days. when u re freelance - no ill days, no paid vacations

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