Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why do I keep going to job interviews

Why do I keep going to job interviews?
I'm 26, and I started doing freelance accouting jobs a year ago after I got fired quit from a low-paying job at a company. I started sending out resumes, and kept getting interviews, but they kept offering very little money. I started increasing my fees and earnings month after month on my freelance work. After six months, my earnings increased dramatically, I even set up my own office at an office building. After I got my own business, I began getting even more job interviews. NOW they are offering the money I always wanted to make. But now I'm making more money on my own. For the last 6 months, I've been going to interviews, but they just don't offer me more money than I'm making on my own. My earnings keep increasing continously every month, I don't have a boss to answer to. Yet I keep going to these interviews for jobs where I'll have a boss, and where I be set with the same salary every month. Why do I keep going then?
Small Business - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well, it's hard to answer that question...only you know why you keep going. However, I can think of reasons to keep going. If it's not taking too much of your time, it certainly can't hurt. You never know what might happen with your personal business, or when a company might make you an offer you can't refuse. Even if you never accept another job offer, the interviews are a networking opportunity. You never know who you might meet or what connections you might make that could be helpful to you in the future. It's always good to know a lot of people in your industry.
2 :
Your customers are the boss. If you are fine with your situation, then that is probably more important to you than just the money. If your work is in more demand than you can handle then you can hire someone and give a good salary to your employee(s).
3 :
as long as your doing good on your own then i would just stop going to interviews it sounds to me like they would be a waist of time for you
4 :
Maybe there is a just a little bit of insecurity in your ability to keep up to your own standards,and you might just want to be a follower instead of a leader I know I would.(Less Responsibility

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