Thursday, August 20, 2009

Could a UK freelance website designer answer my questions

Could a UK freelance website designer answer my questions?
I'm just wondering if you get many jobs, enough not to worry about money. Do you enjoy your job?
Programming & Design - 1 Answers
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hi, i have been a freelance web designer for 2 years and its my only income, i made more than working for a company and worked a lot less hours! i have actually now opened up my own freelancing website at . it opened this week and im trying to get freelancers to sign up before the public advertising starts! i spent 7 months coding it! anyway..i chose to become a freelancer because i have a complicated family life which meant having a full time job was impossible and part time work couldnt pay the bills. freelancing has given me a lot of flexability and a lot more freedom! ..i must admit sometimes deadlines can get you stressed out but thats the same with any job

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